You all, I finally learned how to make an iced coffee at home after having an espresso machine for over a year. My wallet rejoices! And let me tell you, there is something so satisfying about making it myself. Maybe because I thought it was going to be really complicated and I figured it out? Either way, cheers to delicious iced coffees on hot summer days.
As I have taken to blog writing again, I decided I am going to change things up a little. As I wrote in my last post, I'm the one making the rules over here so I can do things like this! One of the biggest reasons I stopped posting though was I wasn't feeling inspired anymore in creating content. Sometimes it can take so much energy to come up with topics and then write about them in a way that is hopefully interesting for the reader. Sometimes as a mom enough of my energy is put into creating for my family and it felt like there wasn't much left over for something like blog writing so it slipped down the priority list. So instead of making it be harder on myself, I am coming up with ways to make it be fun! That will likely mean there is more lifestyle content and storytelling on here.
One thing I have learned as a mom is that sharing stories is how we connect and feel heard. So if by sharing stories from the office and from at home we can feel more connected, then, amazing! I have reached my goal :)
If you read these blogs and have any comments, please let me know! Hey even if its just to correct my grammar, I am always happy to hear feedback.