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A classic dinner recipe with a summer twist!


Updated: Aug 30, 2022

Changing up the blog posts with a recipe! No worries, I still have lots of thoughts on chiropractic, holistic living, etc floating through my mind per usual, but we recently had a supper that was *chef's kiss* and I figured share it here.

What we had was a different take on chicken alfredo, and while I wish I could say I made the noodles and sauce from scratch, I didn't (maybe someday I'll have the gumption to do that). So what we ate was sausage alfredo, with fresh veggies and herbs added in, and if you are feeling in a slump of what to make for supper, give this a try! Plus if you're like me, I really don't like spending time hovering over the stove at about 5 pm on a hot summer day, and this recipe calls for minimal time at the stove.


Note: there are no amounts because I rarely ever measure. Sorry if that hurts your inner chef, but my husband will tell you, it is rare that I follow a recipe amounts to a T!

Sausage (your choice of kind and flavor), grilled or sauteed

Noodles (we like egg noodles)

Grated carrot

Chopped broccoli

Chopped tomato



Fresh oregano

Fresh rosemary


Cook the sausage and coin. Boil water and cook the noodles. Saute the vegetables, garlic, and herbs. Add the cream sauce and the sausage to the saute pan. Mix all together. Sprinkle fresh parmesan on top, if you desire!

Voila, dinner is served! We are always fans of adding some fresh fruit to our dinners, so pair with your choice of fruit.

If you have a favorite summer recipe, I'd love to hear it :)

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