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I Went a Month Without Getting Adjusted - Oops!


Now let me preface my blog by saying this was not on purpose and I was not setting out to be my own experiment! But here we are, having done the experiment anyway! This is the longest I have gone without getting adjusted since starting chiropractic school 8 years ago.

I recommend to clients to get adjusted on a weekly or every 2 week basis. Once a month is a bare minimum. A consistent frequency gets you the results you want! And here I am, having results that I don't want. Mainly, a high amount of tension/stiffness in my neck and shoulders, which is where I hold my stress in my body. In addition, I've also been having less restful sleep. Part of this is kid-related but I can also tell that my body isn't getting into as a deep of a sleep the times that I am asleep.

There wasn't any big thing that happened that got me off course with my care. I had to reschedule, my chiropractor had to reschedule, and then when I looked at my calendar I realized, whoops! It's already been a month! I know this happens to you too. You mean to book an appointment, you remember it a week later, and then when it actually happens its already been a month (or two...or three... or more).

I get it! Life just keeps moving along and it can get really easy to get off track. You can apply this to anything. Working out. Making healthy food choices. Drinking enough water. Whatever healthy habit you are trying to start and keep applies here!

Just as you know though, it's not the end of the world when we get off track. We hop back on and keep going. In my case, I usually book out my chiropractic appointments for a month or two, and it's a regular part of my routine. (You also could not pay me enough money to never get adjusted again). So missing the last couple of weeks isn't going to be detrimental, just make me feel uncomfortable.

Whether you are wanting to get back into a regular chiropractic routine, or any other healthy routine, quite literally do it today. Waiting until Monday, the beginning of the month, the New Year etc is not going to make it any easier for you. Today is your day, as Dr. Seuss said :)

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