In the same way that choosing to move your body, make healthy food choices, and get good sleep are lifestyle choices, so is seeing a chiropractor!
Yes, there is a stereotype around chiropractors that "once you go, you always have to go" or "you have to get adjusted three times a week for the rest of your life". Those recommendations are for good reason though (okay maybe not quite the 3x a week until the end of time) and here's why: once you have worked through whatever initial symptoms brought you into your chiropractor's office in the first place, you are now in what I call "maintenance mode".
There are benefits to continuing your chiropractic care. 1) You are maintaining the neurological progress your brain and body made during your initial course of care and 2) life doesn't stop, just because your symptoms did! We are still constantly under a barrage of stressors in our day to day lives. Certain seasons of life bring certain stressors. One thing I know for certain is that your brain's perception of an overwhelm of stress is what leads to dysfunction and symptoms in your body. Continual chiropractic care helps your brain and body to continue to be more resilient to your stress.
I often tell clients that I wish I could wave a magic wand and poof! all your stress is gone. Alas, life does not work like that! I would have done it for myself a long time ago otherwise! But because stress continues, we want to make sure that it is not at a detriment of our health.
To be fair, some stress is healthy. Working out is a stressor on the body. Lifting weights forces your muscles and bones to become stronger to meet the stress of the weights. Running causes your heart to increase its efficiency with blood flow. The key to stress becoming not healthy is when you reach your body's overwhelm point. This is going to look different for every person.
We can measure how resilient your body is to your stress using heart rate variability technology. This scan is done at every client's initial assessment and periodically after to measure progress. Again, this is why choosing to have chiropractic care as a lifestyle choice is healthy in the long run, because we can continue to improve and refine your brain-body connection, how your body adapts to stress, and how it impacts your health.
What do you want life to look like when you are 30? 50? 70? The choices we make today, no matter how small, add up over time. In the same way that we all know and understand that eating healthy, moving our bodies, and getting good sleep improve our chances of maintaining our longevity, so does chiropractic care.